New Features

Hitting creative walls & code roadblocks? Elementor AI's update creates a future where AI writes captivating copy with a 58% approval boost... what...
Version 3.21 includes the ability to build listings for your categories and tags and significant performance improvements alongside an exciting new AI feature....
Version 3.20 introduces exciting new features that enhance the flexibility of Display Conditions. This version also improves the loading time of your site’s...
Welcome to the next phase of our AI product evolution as we roll out AI release 0.2, packed with massive enhancements tailored to...
Create dynamic visitor experiences, customize your teammates’ widget panels, protect forms from spam submissions, generate variations in the template library, and use URLs...
Here is a quick recap of all the reasons to be hyped for 2024, including some new feature announcements and areas we will...
Right before we kick off 2024, let's take a moment to look back at all the amazing features you received during 2023 -...
Boost WordPress websites with Image Optimizer by Elementor - a new plugin to resize, compress, and convert images to WebP effortlessly. Enhance performance,...
Elementor's latest version introduces a suite of features that give you the power to customize your Widget Panel, enhance visitor experience when viewing...
Elementor 3.17 introduces AJAX Loading for Loop Grids, improves image loading speed, adds the ability to access past prompts and content generated by...
Elementor 3.16 activates Flexbox Containers by default for new websites, improves site loading speed with performance enhancements, increases accessibility for visitors who use...
Elementor AI's image editing tools revolutionize web design, enabling custom image generation and seamless editing. With diverse features like image variations, generative fill,...
This release includes the first phase of the much-awaited Taxonomy Filter, the new and improved Accordion widget with nested items, enhanced styling capabilities...
Last week, on July 13, 2023 we held our third Roadmap Event. Six months in, we took some time to reflect on what...
This version includes a new Carousel widget, extends the Loop Grid with the ability to place static content within the Loop, a Global...
Experience more control and workflow efficiency with powerful tools like phpMyAdmin, SFTP, and Cloning. And elevate your online brand and business with Custom...
Elementor 3.14 introduces the next phase of Elementor AI, which includes image generation. With Elementor AI you can describe the images you want...
Elementor 3.13 includes CSS Grid Containers, a new styling and customization options in the Menu widget, extends the Top Bar experiment, and provides...
Elementor includes a new natively integrated AI product, available as a free trial starting in Elementor 3.13. Benefit from a wide array of...
On April 3, 2023 we had our second Roadmap Event, where we took a step back to reflect on what’s been achieved since...
Elementor 3.12 includes a number of eagerly awaited features that will take your website’s design and navigation to the next level. This version...
Our new hosting features will significantly boost your website's loading time and improve your workflow, allowing you to focus on creating top-performing websites...
Elementor 3.11 includes new features that will expand your ability to customize the design and display of your listings, improve your workflow, and...
Elementor 3.10 is packed with highly anticipated features that will elevate your website’s design. This version includes the first Nested Element - Tabs,...
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