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Redirect visitors after they submit a form

Last Update: April 18, 2024

You can send users to a Thank You or Follow Up page after they submit a form.

To send users to another page after they submit a form:

  1. Create a form. For more details, see Form widget.
    image 108 Redirect visitors after they submit a form 1
  2. In the left pane, under Content, expand the Action After Submit section.
  3. In the Add Actions field, leave the default actions: Collect Submissions and Email.There is no need to change them.
    image 109 Redirect visitors after they submit a form 3
  4. Click the plus + sign.
    image 110 Redirect visitors after they submit a form 5
  5. In the Add Actions field, enter Redirect.
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  6. Expand the Redirect section.
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  7. In the Redirect To text box, enter the address of the page you want visitors to see after they submit a form.

After users submit a form, they will be redirected to the URL you entered in the Redirect To field.

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