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Access the database of your Elementor Hosting website

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Some WordPress users may want to access their website database to optimize performance, customize the site or implement other advanced features.

Editing your site’s dashboard is a complicated process that can break the site – it should only be done by experienced users.
Changes made to your site with phpMyAdmin cannot be undone. We recommend backing up your site before making any changes. For more details, see Back up your Elementor Hosting website.

To access the database, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your My Elementor dashboard.
  2. Hover over the website card whose database you want to access.
  3. Click Manage this website. The website overview page is displayed.
    Accessing database of Elementor hosted website 4
  4. Click Advanced.
    Accessing database of Elementor hosted website 1
  5. Click the three dots menu and select Open database. This opens a new phpMyAdmin window.
    Accessing database of Elementor hosted website 3
  6. Edit your database using phpMyAdmin
    Accessing database of Elementor hosted website 2
  7. When you’re finished editing, click the logout button. This takes you back to the My Elementor dashboard. 
phpMyAdmin is a third-party app, it is not supported by Elementor.

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