Shayne & Melli
are a husband & wife
wedding photographers.
They travel around
the World
and design
their own websites
Shayne was born in South Africa, grew up on a little island called Mauritius, met his wife in Zanzibar, and today they are based in Erlangen, Germany.
“We shoot weddings all over the world, and so far we’ve shot over 150 weddings. During the wedding season we travel to a new country almost every weekend. We needed a platform that matches our lifestyle: flexible and on the move”.
“We needed something that speaks the same language as our new style. That’s how we ended up experimenting with web design”.
“I'm inspired by things that make me "feel". It doesn't matter who made it or how big they are in their industry - if what they've put out reaches my heart - I am genuinely inspired by it.”
“No matter the challenges, Africa will always have a special place. We met in Africa, lived in Africa, worked in Africa, fell in love in Africa and just as much; fell in love with Africa.”
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