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Elementor hosted websites: Incompatible Plugins

Last Update: December 28, 2023

List of incompatible plugins

The following plugins are not allowed to be installed on Elementor hosted websites.

  • Avada Builder
  • Backup Guard
  • Backup Migration
  • Beaver Builder
  • Beaver Builder Lite
  • BlueHost Site Migrator
  • Brizy
  • BWP Minify
  • Customizer Export/Import
  • Divi Builder
  • Duplicator
  • Heartbeat Control
  • Image Map Pro
  • Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
  • Oxygen Builder
  • Peepso
  • QTranslate X
  • Really Simple SSL
  • Revolution Slider
  • Shortcodes Ultimate
  • Site Origin Panels
  • Site Origin Widgets Bundle
  • SiteGround CachePress
  • SiteGround Migrator
  • Updraft Plus
  • VaultPress
  • Visual Composer
  • WD Facebook Feed
  • WP All Import
  • WP Clone
  • WP File Manager
  • WP Migrate
  • WP Reset
  • WP Site Migrate
  • WP Total Cache
  • WPVivid Backup and Restore

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