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Static Hosting support for WooCommerce

Last Update: March 18, 2024

Is WooCommerce supported?

Yes and no. It depends on how you intend to use it.

  • Yes – If you’re just using WooCommerce for the catalog functionality, then yes! That would work great on Static Hosting!
  • No– If you need the checkout/cart functionality, then the answer is no, we don’t support that yet. WooCommerce depends heavily on interactions with the database for its shopping cart, and therefore it won’t work out of the box on a static website.

Are WooCommerce Add-ons supported?

Since there are over 6,000 WordPress plugins related to WooCommerce, we’d recommend trying them out in your static preview environment first. In general, if they don’t need AJAX, they shouldn’t be a problem.

Static friendly alternatives to WooCommerce

There are several static friendly ecommerce services, such as. Ecwid, Snipcart and Foxy.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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