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Learn what Site Lock Is

Last Update: February 2, 2024

Protect your website before launch

Your website may take weeks or months to construct. While it’s being built you probably don’t want visitors poking around your half-built site and certainly don’t want search engines grading you before the site is ready. 

Site Lock blocks your site from search engines and visitors, allowing access only with a four digit PIN code. This enables you to work freely, without the pressure of someone looking over your shoulder (or at your site) without you knowing it. 

Turn on Site Lock

To turn on Site Lock:

  1. Go to the website section of your Elementor Dashboard.
    image 78 Learn what Site Lock Is 1
  2. On the website card of the site you want to lock, click Manage this website.
    image 79 Learn what Site Lock Is 3
  3. Toggle Site Lock to On.
    Anyone who wants to view your site will need to enter a four-digit PIN code.

Get the PIN code
image 80 Learn what Site Lock Is 5

  1. In the Site Lock area, click the eye icon NWUr5JXeiMGjPL6x0ZQBy1uKwdNfg4W0n Ox Learn what Site Lock Is 7 to see the four-digit PIN code used to access the site.
    4 Click the copy icon Learn what Site Lock Is 9
  2. Click the copy icon 3VSJgWJlpC7zG 1EIQvi6cL0pJlMoC 0eHx6iJxnESrk93CjXNqZ 0PN1RkZP8T0yKwmyCpUylAzGRkDBu9LnRBkArlgM 3xWTuKDwXDa BKq4zO5fsYAyl0TbFu5P63zB3he57BFnQdNMJ809OBOA Learn what Site Lock Is 11 to copy the code.
    image 81 Learn what Site Lock Is 13
  3. To change the PIN, click Reset.

Going live

When you are ready to go live and make it discoverable, simply turn Site Lock so potential visitors can see it without having to enter a pin code. For more details, see Taking your site live.

To fully enable search engines ability to crawl your website you must also navigate to WP Admin, Settings > Reading and uncheck the “Discourage search engines from indexing this site.”

What is the difference between Site Lock and Maintenance Mode

Site Lock is a feature of Elementor hosted websites, which blocks traffic at the server level. It will display a default Elementor page and prompt users to enter a pin code. You cannot customize this page. Elementor also offers a Maintenance Mode and Coming Soon feature. This allows you to temporarily block visitors to your site by displaying a custom page, while allowing access to editors. You may fully customize this page to feature a countdown timer or collect email addresses for early adopters. Learn more in this blog post.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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