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Change font size, color, family & style in Elementor website builder

Last Update: August 17, 2023

Many Elementor Widgets offer the ability to edit text color and typography settings. These design options are located in the widgets’ Style tab.


Text Color: Choose the color of your text

Under the Widget Setting > Style, click the icon pencil icon to access the typography settings.


  1. Family – Choose your font family
  2. Size – Choose a size for your font (learn more about px, em, etc.)
  3. Weight – Choose the weight of the font
  4. Transform – Choose the Transform properties for the font
  5. Style – Choose between Normal, Italic, and Oblique
  6. Decoration – Choose the text Decoration
  7. Line-Height – Use the slider to set your line-height
  8. Letter Spacing – Use the slider to set your letter spacing

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