Elementor Logo Guidelines

Before using our open source logo, we ask that you follow
a few simple guidelines to keep it looking its best.

Primary Colors & Logo

Please use the red and pink version of our logo when possible with the colour values given below. They are our favorites! Our symbol can be used as a thumbnail / favicon only and as a full logo.
Elementor Sweet Pink

Elementor Sweet Pink #FF7BE5

Elementor Amazing Red

Elementor amazing red #92003B

Elementor Full Logotype - Red

Full logotype - Red

Elementor Logo Symbol - Amazing Red

Logo Symbol - Red

Elementor Full Logotype - Amazing Red Background, Sweet Pink Type

Full logotype - pink

Elementor Logo Symbol - Amazing Red Background, Sweet Pink Logo

Logo Symbol - pink

Elementor Night blue #010051

Elementor Refreshing Green #46F2B6

Full logotype - Blue

Logo Symbol - blue

Full logotype - green

Logo Symbol - green

Black & White Logo

If you can’t use our color logo we also have black and white options. Please use the black logo on bright backgounds and the white logo on dark backgrounds. Nice and simple! If you have any questions you can consult our PR department [email protected]
Elementor Full Logotype - Black Text

Full logotype - Black

Elementor Logo Symbol - Black Logo

Full logotype - Black

Elementor Full Logotype - Black Background, White Text

Full logotype - white

Elementor Logo Symbol - Black Background, White Logo

Logo Symbol - white

Clear Space

It’s important to give the logo some room to breathe. When using the logo, please keep the specified clear space. The amount of clear space around our logo should be equal to or greater than the size of the “E” logo symbol.
Elementor Full Logotype - Clear Space

Full logotype

Elementor Logo Symbol - Clear Space

Logo Symbol

Smallest size web – 24 Pixels /1.5 Rem high
Smallest size Print – 0.5 centimeter/ 0.190 inch high

Brand Do’s & Don’ts

Here are some examples of how to use and not use the Elementor logo
Elementor’s old logo, strikethrough

Don’t use old versions of the logo or symbol

Elementor Logo in gradient, strikethrough

Don’t use gradient on the logo

Elementor Full Logotype - Black Text

Use the full elementor logo - symbol and wordmark

Elementor Black logo with missing symbol, strikethrough

Don’t use old versions of the logo or symbol

Elementor Full Logotype - Amazing Red Background, Sweet Pink Type

Use the pink logo on red backgrounds

Elementor White logo on an Amazing Red background, strikethrough

Don’t use the white logo on red backgrounds

Elementor logo in Amazing Red on Sweet Pink background

Use the red logo on pink backgrounds

Elementor Red logo on a dark background, strikethrough

Don’t use the red logo on dark backgrounds

Elementor white logo on an image with a black layer that has 20% opacity

Use the white logo on images. To make the logo clear, use a black layer with 20% opacity

Elementor Amazing Red logo on an image, strikethrough

Don’t use the color logo on images

Elementor logo in white on a dark background

Use the white logo on dark backgrounds

Elementor logo in black on a bright background

Use the black logo on bright backgrounds

Have any questions?

If you have questions or need aditional brand material,
please contact us at [email protected]
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